🤔Migration FAQ

Questions that are frequently asked about Migration.

If you're still having trouble with migration, checking the FAQ could help. It might has solutions for common issues.

Why do you migrate ONIT to LumiWave?


We’re migrating ONIT to LumiWave to update our brand. This change highlights our expertise in IP-based blockchain content with Sui. It’s aimed at exciting users and investors, fostering growth in our ecosystem.

How safe is it to migrate an ONIT to LumiWave(LWA)?


We’re making sure the migration to the new token is as safe as possible. We’ll have a dedicated page on our website for it, along with a team of experts overseeing everything. They’ll handle any risks and troubleshoot any problems that pop up. Plus, we’ll thoroughly test the process to catch any issues early on. Our top priority is keeping our users’ tokens and personal info secure.

How do I migrate ONIT to LumiWave?


Kindly follow the guidelines we’ve provided above for a smooth migration from ONIT to LumiWave.

If my ONIT tokens are on CEX, what should I do?


We’re in discussions with exchanges that facilitate ONIT trading to facilitate the migration to LumiWave (LWA). Further details will be shared at the exchanges' announcement.

What is the duration of the migration period?


The ONIT to LumiWave(LWA) migration will take place on May 20, 2024, and run through May 20, 2025. After this period, you can contact LumiWaveLab.com to request a migration.

What happens to ONIT tokens that are not migrated within the specified period?


The ONIT to LumiWave (LWA) migration is scheduled to occur from May 20, 2024, through May 20, 2025. Following this period, you may reach out to LumiWaveLab.com for migration assistance.

KYC verification can’t be identified, can I try it again?


If your KYC verification fails during the migration process, you can attempt it again up to 5 times. However, if the verification fails on all 5 attempts, please reach out to LumiWaveLab.com for further assistance.

Stay Safe with Lumiwave

  • Stick to Official Channels: Only interact with Lumiwave through official channels. Team members won't reach out to you directly. Don't trust private links.

  • Verify Links: Always double-check the URL to ensure you're on the official migration site.

  • Get Help: If you're unsure or have questions not covered here, use our official Discord or email for assistance.

Protect your assets and stay secure!

Last updated