How to swap Token in DEX?
Guidance for swap token in DEX
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Guidance for swap token in DEX
Last updated
Connect your Metamask wallet on UNISWAP and add a token
What is UNISWAP?
UNISWAP is a distributed financial protocol used to exchange cryptocurrencies. This protocol supports decentralized exchanges that allow automatic transactions between cryptocurrency tokens on the Ethereum blockchain through the use of smart contracts.
You may need to input ONIT’s address and NEWTON’s address
Contract Address
ONIT : 0x410e731c2970Dce3AdD351064AcF5cE9E33FDBf0
NEWTON : 0x8eA01766a118E9BcB6032dc9b3DA66b80fE1c31c
Input the amount of ONIT/NEWTON you want to swap. And confirm the transaction.