🐈OnMeowZ NFT

Intorduce INNO Membership NFT : OnMeowZ NFT


#1 the Planet MEOW

OnMeowZ was born on an unknown planet called β€œMEOW”. All the cats on that planet MEOW have their mission to protect our beautiful universe.

#2 The MEOWz heard the MEOWing from the earth

When Meows were fighting against the darkness of the universe, MEOWs heard the meowing sound from the planet earth. The meowing sound from the cats on the planet earth was about the great danger to the earth because of greedy human activities. Meows decided to leave for the earth to save their friends, who are the cats on the earth.

#3 Calling the MEOWz to the earth

The cats on the earth also heard that the MEOWz is coming to save them! However, since the Meow planet is greatly far from the planet earth, they need to figure out how the MEOW can come to the earth via a special way… which they found on the INNO Platform.

#4 Play to mint OnMeowZ

The cats found they can deliver the MEOWz safely to the earth by minting them into NFT! After they arrive on the planet earth, we finally can hear their plans. For earth’s safety, wanna join our meowing?


Phase 1: Play and MINT

Users can mint NFT by playing specific games at INNO Platform2. OMZ holders will be considered as the key users at the INNO Platform, having more benefits than others. (LumiWave’s new planet token airdrops, whitelists for events, the higher chance to win a raffle, etc.)

Phase 2: Stake to earn

OMZ will have a staking feature at INNO Platform.2. The longer you stake your OMZ, the higher your OMZ’s levels are over time.3. Higher-level NFTs will have more benefits than lower NFT holders.

Phase 3: Merge to earn

OMZ will be able to be merged to mint rarer OMZs.2. The rarer your OMZs are, the more benefits will be added than others

Phase 4: OnMeowZ in-game

OMZ will be used in the blockchain game at the end.2. OMZ will move and be alive in the game verse


OnMeowZ has 5 different rank systems based on how rare the NFTs are.

  • Space OnMeowZ are in the space background with a powerful space gun and suit to protect the universe. Only 20 total, exclusively for NFT auction, and can’t be minted by playing games. 16 pieces of 20 are listed for auction at the new NFT market at INNO Platform. But 4 pieces were included in this new NFT airdrop event for our users.

  • First-class Yes, we chose to copy the name of our rank system from the flight system and after space rank. They are the highest rank you can earn by doing level-up NFT or merging NFTs at the INNO Platform with your OnMeowZ.

  • Prestige This is the second highest rank with the proper amount of allowance and perks in our platform after the other two higher ranks.

  • Business It is the second-lowest rank, but you can always upgrade your membership to a higher level through merging and staking.

  • Economy This is the lowest but unlike usual NFT projects, how many NFTs will be minted depends on how actively users would interact with the INNO Platform by playing games. And, there is always a chance to upgrade your membership to another level by merging and staking.


Total: 10020 ea 0.2% Auction 9.98% Airdrop 90% Ecosystem

OnMeowZ Emoji

Follow the link and meet our fantastic OnMeowZ Emoji on LINE πŸ”—https://line.me/S/sticker/22978719/lang=ko&utm_source=gnsh_stickerDetail

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