
Our project has migrated its public mainnet from Ethereum to Sui, rebrand ONBUFF as LumiWave, and embark on a new journey on May 16th 2024.

Purpose and Reasons for Migration

The main reason ONBUFF decided to migrate from Ethereum to Sui is to improve the performance and competitiveness of our upcoming games and dapps. Since 2020, ONBUFF has been working with renowned game companies such as SNK, GRAVITY, and Sandbox to successfully launch global IPs such as Samurai Shodown R, Ragnarok Labyrinth NFTs, and Pororo NFTs on the Ethereum Mainnet. Migrating to the Sui Mainnet is a strategic decision to address the technical constraints facing the ONBUFF ecosystem and maximize the performance and competitiveness of our games and dapps.

What to Expect

Thanks to Suiโ€™s superior scalability, fast transaction processing, and low transaction costs, games and DApps developed by ONBUFF will run more smoothly and provide the best experience for users. With this technological advantage, ONBUFF plans to launch more game IPs and DApps to further revitalize the ecosystem, which will help them reach a broader user base and increase their competitiveness.

The purpose and reason for the rebranding

ONBUFF has partnered with Mysten Labs to develop the Sui ecosystem and expand ONBUFFโ€™s blockchain IP business. As part of this partnership, we are planning to rebrand our token in parallel with the migration to Sui.

The governance token ONBUFF (ONIT), which was issued in 2020 as an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token, is now undergoing a transformation given Ethereumโ€™s technical limitations and the need for a brand refresh.

By applying a new brand identity to its existing tokens, ONBUFF aims to strengthen its position as a developer of IP-based blockchain content in partnership with Sui and redefine the value and image of the ONBUFF ecosystem. These efforts will revitalize user and investor interest and promote the continued growth of the ONBUFF ecosystem.

About LumiWave

LumiWave is an innovative project that applies the principles of light and water to the combination of content and blockchain, bringing a new dimension to Web3 experiences.

The new token name, LumiWave (LWA), is inspired by water, the motif of the Sui mainnet, which has changed with this migration. LumiWave represents our desire and intention to bring unprecedented speed and efficiency to our users by enabling transaction processing that is as fluid and lightning-fast as the flow of water.

Detailed information about rebrading

Previous TokenNew Token

Token Name







Ethereum Mainnet

Sui Mainnet

Token Standard


Sui Standard

Total Supply



Contract Address


๐Ÿ“Œ LumiWave Contract

๐Ÿ“Œ LumiWave Source Code

Last updated